Tuesday 2 December 2008

Sound Angel

Good thing NaBloPoMo ended on Sunday, because I totally did not have a second to blog yesterday ;)

Brainsgiving was a huge hit! Everything went off without a hitch (or, without any major hitches) ... I missed one audio cue (forgot to turn on the keyboard for a sound effect during the first sketch, dammit!), but other than that, it went rather well. Everyone told me what a great job I did at the end of the show... and I was credited as the "Sound Angel" which is totally cute. I could get used to that.

I'd forgotten how much I love doing sound. When I was in school, it's the only thing I wanted to do. I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I was going to be an audio engineer. It was what I knew. It was what I loved. In school, I engineered albums, I did on-site audio, I wrote & recorded songs. Then, after I graduated, I interned at a recording studio. And I saw what the audio world was like, OUTSIDE of school. And, though I absolutely LOVED my time at the studio, and I learned a whole lot, one of the things that I learned as a by-product of my time there was that I was probably not cut out for the audio world. I realized that while I completely loved (and was rather good at) the creative aspect of sound... I am really not good at the technical. I'm never quite sure what plugs into where, which frequencies need to be cancelled in order to stop feedback... but I am good at hearing what needs to be raised, lowered, eq'ed, etc, in order to get the right balance of sound.

Last night was good for that, because the two "regular" Gladstone sound people were there, and they mostly set up all the mics and tecchie stuff... and then I got to go in and play at the soundboard during the show! I definitely got the sweet end of that deal. It was also a good break from the everyday, too.

I took a tonne of photos last night, but I haven't gotten around to uploading them yet - it was pretty late when I got home. Look for them on Flickr later tonight at some point :)
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Lori Anne Haskell said...

Sound Angel is the perfect name for you, I think! :). Glad you had such a great time and cant wait to see the pics!

Nancy said...

I like the name too :)


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