Saturday 8 August 2009

Florida: All is full of love

La piece de resistance... how can you not love a view like this? There's hundreds of different things that I love about Florida, but I think this sums it up. Being on the beach, you can feel your senses in action.

Take in the sight of the ocean... flip flops... blue water & white sand... Smell the salt water, the sunscreen, the people barbecuing in the distance... Hear the rolling sound of the waves ... Feel the mist, the sand beneath your feet. Taste the salt on your lips after swimming in the ocean. Honestly, nothing can quite compare to the beach, and Clearwater Beach just happens to be my favourite beach that I've ever been to.

more love?
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Unknown said...

Now I must be the hormonal one because that post and those pictures brought tears to my eyes for some reason. Nothing short of beautiful.

Penelope said...


Welcome to SITS...the heart in the sand pic was pretty romantic :)


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